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Lumed, improve health by optimizing care.

Vincent Nault
March 8, 2019

Lumed, improve health by optimizing care.

Vincent Nault
March 8, 2019

The entrepreneurial adventure is a journey that has been described on many occasions. Whether it is considered a marathon, a desert crossing or a roller-coaster, it is admitted that this is not an easy road. That is why the problem tackled by the company is an essential motivating element to persevere and overcome the challenges that stand on the way to the entrepreneur.

At Lumed, we want to save lives and supply a technology that are making a difference. Being able to build a team and work around a problem that a technological solution could help to save lives is a privilege I wish everyone. Everyone has days where getting motivated is hard, remembering the goal of the company is what help me get through those day with a smile.

We started by working on antimicrobial stewardship, optimizing the use of antibiotics in the hospital environment. In this case, we target a global issue, because the more we use antibiotic the more bacteria develop mechanisms of resistance. This is an issue that the whole world should reunite to fight against. In addition, the lack of new antibiotics makes the situation worse. In the face of this surge of multi-resistant bacteria, one of the promising solutions to preserving our arsenal against these bacteria is to reduce the use of antibiotics and when it is used to do so optimally.

All companies are competing to recruit talented people. So far, I think that working on critical health issues is one of the things that allows us to work with the best. If you start something, a project or a business make sure it matters.


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