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About us

Our mission

At Lumed, we want to save lives. Our mission is to improve health through advanced care. In an era where hospital environments are drowned by a constant flux of clinical data, Lumed facilitates access to essential data at exactly the right moment.

About us

Our mission

At Lumed, we want to save lives. Our mission is to improve health through advanced care. In an era where hospital environments are drowned by a constant flux of clinical data, Lumed facilitates access to essential data at exactly the right moment.

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Our history


Lumed was founded in 2012 by Mathieu Beaudoin, Louis Valiquette and Vincent Nault. While Mathieu and Vincent were finishing their doctorate degrees, Louis was their supervisor. Understanding the important impact their research work could have on improving antibiotic treatments and the savings thereby generated, these student-researchers chose to found Lumed to demonstrate their invention outside the academic circle. Today, Lumed holds a strong and mature platform that allows us to work efficiently in developing various expert systems. In addition, our marketing partner, bioMérieux, offers us the opportunity to spread the word of our technology all around the globe.



Our leadership team

Louis Valiquette,
M.D., M. Sc. FRCPC
Medical Director

Full professor and Department Chair of Microbiology and Infectiology at the Université de Sherbrooke faculty of medicine. Louis specializes in prescription improvement and the development of clinical tools to optimize the prevention and management of nosocomial infections. He has published and participated in various expert committees on these subjects, including the Conseil du Médicament du Québec, Accreditation Canada and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada.

Vincent Nault,
Ph. D.
President & General Manager

Vincent Nault completed his doctorate degree in clinical science following a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the Université de Sherbrooke. His expertise lies in modelling and the transfer of clinical procedures to automated surveillance systems. His wide range of skills allows a holistic vision of issues encountered in the medical domain as well as computer technology. His passion is contagious and he’s not afraid to think outside the box.

Mathieu Beaudoin,
Ph. D.
Director of Research & Development

Mathieu competed his doctorate degree in artificial intelligence at the Université de Sherbrooke. He knows how to find the solution to your problems. His training is varied with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and master’s in clinical science. Since 2004, he has been working on automated solutions that respond to researchers’ needs. He has been putting this expertise to good use since the establishment of our enterprise.

Our partner, bioMérieux, world leader in microbiology

Lumed and bioMérieux have joined forces in the fight against bacterial resistance to antibiotics. The data generated by the bioMérieux diagnostic tools are key in Lumed’s  process to optimize prescriptions for each hospitalized patient. The synergy of our mutual products led to the importance of working together as partners.

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